Watchfulness: Recovering a Lost Spiritual Discipline (Hedges) - PORTUGUESE
Are you watchful in your Christian life?
Although watchfulness is not as familiar as spiritual disciplines like meditation, prayer, and fasting, it is just as necessary for a healthy spiritual life. Scripture exhorts all Christians to be watchful, regardless of their station and season in life.
In Watchfulness, Brian Hedges provides a fresh look at the what, why, how, when, and who of watchfulness, drawing principles from Scripture and instruction from believers of the past who have understood this discipline and written about it. Designed for reflection, self-examination, and personal application, with “Examine and Apply” questions at the end of each chapter, this book will chart your course toward greater watchfulness, increased holiness, and deeper communion with the triune God.
1. What? The Nature of Watchfulness
2. Why? The Necessity of Watchfulness
3. How? The Cultivation of Watchfulness
4. When? The Seasons for Watchfulness
5. Who? Watchfulness and the Church
Appendix 1: M‘Cheyne’s Personal Reformation
Appendix 2: The Minister’s Self-Watch
About the Author
Brian G. Hedges is lead pastor of Redeemer Church in Niles, Michigan. He has written a number of books, including With Jesus, Christ All Sufficient, and Christ Formed in You.
“If you love your Bible, if you love the Puritans, and if you love your own soul, then this little book is a banquet awaiting you to come and indulge your spiritual appetite! Brian Hedges has woven together a wonderfully edifying book on a forgotten spiritual discipline—watchfulness. He has created a tapestry rich in Scripture and the masters of the inner life: Owen, Bunyan, Flavel, Boston, M‘Cheyne, and others. I can well imagine this little volume sitting next to my Bible to be read along with morning devotions or for family worship. May the Lord Jesus use this wonderful little book to help His people become more watchful."
—Brian Borgman, Pastor of Grace Community Church, Minden, Nevada, and Author of Feelings and Faith, Cultivating Godly Emotions in the Christian Life, and Coauthor of Spiritual Warfare: A Biblical and Balanced Perspective
“In a sea of antinomian easy believism, Watchfulness is a five-alarm fire bell calling us all to work out our salvation with fear, trembling, and effort. It’s about time. In twenty years of ministry, I have not read a single article, let alone book, that deals with the urgent issue of watchfulness. This book is long overdue and desperately needed.”
—Todd Friel, Host of Wretched Radio andAuthor of Reset for Parents: How to Keep Your Kids from Backsliding
“Watchfulness is a book for all types of Christians. Whether you just met Christ yesterday or you’ve been walking with Him for dozens of years, this book is a helpful reminder that we must diligently keep watch over ourselves and each other. I recommend without hesitation that you pick this up and start implementing it today. Hedges has done the church a great service with this gem!”
—Jason M. Garwood, Teaching Pastor of Cross & Crown Church, Northern Virginia, and Author of Be Holy: Learning the Path of Sanctification
“Channeling the likes of Owen, Bunyan, M‘Cheyne, and Calvin, Brian Hedges cares for the Christian’s soul with the expertise of a seasoned pastor and a wise shepherd. He instructs the reader in the needful and often-neglected spiritual discipline of watchfulness. If you would enjoy Christ more, safeguard your soul with greater effectiveness, and live the faith-filled life more intentionally, devour these pages. It will do your soul good and sow seeds for a life of devotion to Christ.”
—Jason Helopoulos, Associate Pastor, University Reformed Church, Lansing, Michigan, and Author of A Neglected Grace: Family Worship in the Christian Home
“Doctrine is easier to learn than godliness. Yet true doctrine is according to godliness. Brian Hedges faithfully guides his readers to cultivate godliness through watchfulness by answering the questions what, why, how, when, and who. Drawing particularly from the insights of Owen, Bunyan, and M‘Cheyne, he makes the dead speak to us with a fresh voice on a neglected topic for the refreshment of our souls.”
—Ryan M. McGraw, Morton H. Smith Professor of Systematic Theology, Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary
“We need constant reminders to be watchful lest we fall. And when these reminders come clothed in grace and pastoral sensitivity, they are all the more welcome. Brian Hedges has put together a small gem of a book that urges us to greater care and watchfulness, with gospel-driven exhortation and warnings to busy Christians. Timely and necessary.” —Derek W. H. Thomas, Senior Minister, First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, South Carolina; Chancellor’s Professor, Reformed Theological Seminary; and Teaching Fellow, Ligonier Ministries
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Embora a vigilância não seja tão familiar como a meditação, oração e jejum, é uma disciplina espiritual igualmente necessária para uma vida cristã saudável. A Bíblia chama todos os cristãos a serem vigilantes, independentemente de sua posição e fase na vida.
Em Vigilância, o autor Brian Hedges oferece um novo olhar sobre o quê, o porquê, como, quando e quem da vigilância, extraindo princípios bíblicos e instruções de crentes do passado que entenderam essa disciplina e escreveram sobre ela.
Projetado para reflexão, autoexame e aplicação pessoal, com perguntas de “Examine e Aplique” no final de cada capítulo, este livro abrirá o caminho em direção à maior santidade e comunhão mais profunda com o Deus trino.
Precisamos de lembretes constantes de vigilância para não cairmos. E quando eles vierem vestidos de graça e sensibilidade pastoral, são ainda mais bem-vindos. Necessário, veio na hora certa.
—DEREK W.H. THOMAS, Pastor Sênior, First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, SC; Professor no Reformed Theological Seminary (EUA)