Smallman, Stephen
The Great Commission is one of the best-known teachings of Jesus—but, on a practical level, how do we respond to Jesus' mandate to "go and make disciples"? Just what is discipleship?
Here are ten basic building blocks for church leaders and all concerned Christians to use as a starting point to respond to the challenge of the Great Commission in their own churches. Stephen Smallman offers a framework for a theologically sound disciple-making strategy for both believers and seekers.
Basics of the Faith booklets introduce readers to basic Reformed doctrine and practice. On issues of church government and practice they reflect that framework—otherwise they are suitable for all church situations.
Stephen Smallman served for over 40 years in pastoral ministry. He is an urban missionary serving with CityNet Ministries, and Assistant Pastor of New Life, Glenside.
"Few books on discipleship are written from the Reformed perspective and rich pastoral experience this book represents. . . . Drawing from the triumphant truths of the gospel, it will inspire as it informs." — Michael S. Horton
"Discipleship is crucial to our understanding and application of the gospel, but discipleship doesn’t just happen on its own. . . . Smallman trains pastors and laypeople in the fundamental but oft-forgotten elements of gospel-driven discipleship." — Burk Parsons