Phillips, Richard D. Colossians & Philemon - Reformed Expository Commentaries (Phillips) $27.50 $40.00
McWilliams, David B. EBOOK Hebrews, Second Edition (McWilliams) - The Lectio Continua Series $20.00 $40.00
Sale Burgess, Anthony Christ's Prayer Before His Passion: Expository Sermons on John 17, 2 Volumes (Burgess) $67.50 $90.00
O’Donnell, Douglas Sean Expository Reflections on the Gospels, Volume 3: Mark (O'Donnell) $24.50 $34.99
Boice, James Montgomery Bundle: Seven Churches, Four Horsemen + The Life of Moses + Two Cities, Two Loves (Boice) $49.50 $77.97
Riddlebarger, Kim EBOOK First Corinthians, 2nd Ed. (Riddlebarger) - The Lectio Continua Commentary Series $20.00 $40.00
Riddlebarger, Kim First Corinthians, 2nd Ed. (Riddlebarger) - The Lectio Continua Commentary Series $24.00 $40.00