Keddie, Gordon J.
Who would not be interested in the story of a man who showed tremendous potential as a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ, failed spectacularly and then was transformed by the drawing love of the Savior to become a great preacher, church leader and shepherd of the Lord's flock? That is the story of Peter, and in this warm devotional commentary William VanDoodeward brings the letters Peter wrote to the Christians in Asia Minor to life. Here you will be encouraged, blessed and challenged as God's Word is lovingly explained. Look elsewhere for critical debate and doubts. Read on for divinely-inspired Scripture dealt with as it should be: evangelically faithful, Christ-centered truth.
"Originally written in a pre-Christian environment, the Letters of Peter have been a special help to persecuted disciples throughout the centuries. Today they also speak with fresh power and relevance in the post-Christian west where the dismantling of Gospel values is fast producing new forms of totalitarianism and a marginalization of believers. In this beautifully written exposition, Dr. Bill VanDoodeward combines sensitivity to the text of Scripture wiith wise contemporary pastoral application. Best of all, Feed My Sheep highlights the tender encouragement Peter gives in his emphasis on the unrivalled spiritual privileges Christians enjoy. It is a superb companion to reading and re-reading 1 & 2 Peter."
—Sinclair B. Ferguson
"The author's treatment, with helpful "You and the Word" comments concluding each section of his exposition, captures how effectively Peter's letters, particularly their practical bearing on the Christian life, continue today to fulfill the mandate the apostle received from Jesus, "Feed my sheep." I'm pleased to recommend this devotional commentary written for a broad readership."
—Richard B. Gaffin, Jr., Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology, Emeritus, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
About the Author
Dr. William VanDoodeward (PhD, Aberdeen) is a minister in the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, and serves as Professor of Church History at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary. He has served at Visiting Research Fellow at Queen's University Belfast and visiting Scholar at Princeton Theological Seminary for his work in the history of biblical interpretation, and is the author of The Quest for the Historical Adam (2015).