Priolo, Lou
There are few people more full of love than someone who is completely selfish. The problem is, all of this love is directed inward, and none of it reaches out!
Selfishness, Lou Priolo asserts, is "the mother of all sins." When you love yourself more than others and more than God, nothing that will help you get ahead is off -limits: lying, cheating, stealing, manipulating . . .
Here you will learn not only how to demolish this foundation of sin, but also how to replace it with a new, biblical foundation of selfless, godly love—turning your love inside out.
The Resources for Biblical Living booklet series addresses a wide range of practical life issues in a straightforward, down-to-earth, and, most of all, biblical manner.
Lou Priolo is the Director of the Eastwood Counseling Ministry in Montgomery, Alabama. He is a graduate of Calvary Bible College and Liberty University. Lou has been a full-time biblical counselor and instructor for more than twenty-three years, and is a Fellow of the National Association of Nouthetic Counselors.
"Ideal for personal and small-group study, this booklet exposes the roots, heinousness, and consequences of a sin that is seldom exposed even in the church. A great aid for self-examination and for understanding the law's high demands of loving God and our neighbor." - Joel R. Beeke, President, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary