“A. S. Ibrahim is a gift to the body of Christ and a writing machine! This book, Reaching Your Muslim Neighbor with the Gospel, so well combines his comprehensive understanding of the Islamic faith with his pastoral heart for reaching Muslims with the life-changing gospel message. I highly recommend this work.”
Adam W. Greenway, President, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
“‘I want you to join the work of God among Muslims today—we are his workers.’ With that invitation, A. S. Ibrahim brings the Christian world a book that will equip us to do just that: become a part of sharing the hope of the gospel with Muslims. Even if you are not preparing for missions work overseas, Reaching Your Muslim Neighbor with the Gospel is far more relevant than most of us realize, as the Muslim population continues to grow not only worldwide but also in the United States. To this reality, Ibrahim grants insights and practical advice that will spur optimism for anyone desiring to share Christ with those who remain captive to the false religion of Islam. More importantly, time with this book will make you a better disciple maker.”
Paul Chitwood, President, International Mission Board
“If you struggle to share Christ with your Muslim coworker or neighbor, you need this book from A. S. Ibrahim. Divided into two parts, it offers valuable insights into understanding Islam and Muslims while providing a practical toolbox for witnessing. Ibrahim says we should make it our ‘practice to open the Bible with Muslims,’ and that’s what he does in this excellent book. Recognizing that there is no one-size-fits-all method to reaching Muslims, Reaching Your Muslim Neighbor with the Gospel points to the authority of Scripture as its foundation. From the role of prayer before, during, and after evangelism to asking questions as Jesus did, Ibrahim constantly turns us to the Bible as our guide to being effective witnesses and loving examples to Muslims around us. A recommended read for all who seek to be salt and light to the nations.”
Carol B. Ghattas, author and speaker, with over thirty years in cross-cultural ministry among Muslims
“As I have taught evangelism in colleges and seminaries for the past thirty-five years, I have fielded many questions about witnessing to Muslims. I am grateful for this helpful new resource from my friend and colleague A. S. Ibrahim. Ibrahim knows Islam. He is rightly viewed as one of the leading scholars on Islam in our day. But he also understands the gospel and has a passion for Muslims to hear this salvific message. I wish this book had been available to me years ago. I am glad it is available today. It is an incredibly helpful resource!”
Timothy K. Beougher, Billy Graham Professor of Evangelism and Church Growth, Associate Dean, Billy Graham School of Missions, Evangelism, and Ministry, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
“With almost two billion Muslims in the world, it is essential that Christians today not only understand Islam but are able to clearly communicate the message of the gospel with those who follow Islam. In this book, A. S. Ibrahim has provided an invaluable guide that will help Christians share the good news of Jesus Christ with Muslims all around the world. Lord willing, this book will serve the global church by giving Christians the tools and the confidence to faithfully share the gospel of Jesus Christ with Muslim family members, friends, neighbors, and coworkers.”
Paul M. Akin, Provost, Senior Vice President for Academic Administration, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
“Ibrahim encourages us to ‘be prepared, preach the word, and reach the world,’ and this incredibly helpful book gives very practical tools and training to help us proclaim Christ clearly to our Muslim friends. This is a much-needed resource both for Christians heading to serve overseas and for those who desire to share Christ with their neighbors down the street.”
Cyndi Logsdon, Director of Church Groups, McLean Bible Church; former missionary to central Asia