Spurgeon, Charles H.
The book of Joshua stands at a pivotal point in biblical history as the nation of Israel transitioned from a life of wandering in the wilderness to conquering and possessing Canaan, the land of promise. The God who redeemed his people from bondage in Egypt gave them a land of their own just as he swore to Abraham.
From encampment on the eastern banks of the Jordan River to dramatic victories, a critical setback, and eventual settlement, the book of Joshua recounts key events in redemptive history, events that mark the fulfillment of God’s gracious word, demonstrate Israel’s weaknesses, and highlight the Lord’s fidelity to every promise he had made. His covenant faithfulness reminds us that he is a God who can be trusted. His covenant fulfillment, in turn, points us to a greater Joshua, the Lord Jesus Christ.
In Every Promise of Your Word, learn anew to rely on the God who keeps his every promise and see Jesus as he is revealed in the Scriptures of the Hebrew Bible.
When we place the message of Joshua in its historical and redemptive context, then the relevance of this book for the twenty-first-century church becomes clear. Beyond just being an interesting relic of ancient Jewish history, what we find in this old covenant book is a profoundly Christian message. God not only kept and fulfilled his land promises through Joshua; he also keeps and fulfils his promises of salvation and of a new heavens and new earth, through our Lord Jesus. And God intends for his faithfulness to Christ to elicit faithfulness from his people as well.
Choose whom you will serve. Like Israel assembled at Shechem to renew the covenant, a choice lies before you. Will you be faithful to Jesus, the one who has been faithful for you?
Rhett Dodson is the pastor of Grace Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Hudson, Ohio. He previously served as an associate pastor and seminary professor. Originally from Pickens, South Carolina, Rhett has a PhD in Old Testament. He and his wife, Theresa, live in Hudson.
‘The book of Joshua is a promise of hope and a call to repentance that the church needs to hear. With faithful interpretation, holy imagination, skillful illustration, and spiritual illumination, Dodson opens up the biblical text so that we see not just ancient Israel, but ourselves and the Lord Jesus. This book is an ideal companion for personal devotion or family worship.’ — JOEL BEEKE
‘This fine commentary by Rhett Dodson is full of exegetical clarity and balance, pastoral insight and wisdom, theological intelligence and relevance, and communicative skill and effectiveness. This will open up Joshua for the Bible student and for the preacher. May God use it for his glory.’ — PETER ADAM