A Place Like Heaven: An Introduction to the Synod of Dort (Miller)
Samuel Miller (1769-1850) graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1789 and studied theology under Charles Nisbet. Ordained in 1793, he pastored Presbyterian churches in New York City until being appointed the second professor at Princeton Theological Seminary in 1813. He was a prolific author whose writings continue to edify the church of Christ today.
“With typical erudition, clarity, and force, in A Place Like Heaven, Samuel Miller succinctly reconstructs the events leading to the Synod of Dort (1618-19) and its aftermath. More than a simple retelling, Miller concisely and compellingly defends the Calvinism of Dort against its detractors. Consequently, the piece proves valuable in reminding its readers of the significance of this ecumenical Reformed council—but further still, the importance of the theology which Dort sought to defend. As with all the works of Miller, it is to be highly commended.”
– Rev. Allen Stanton, Pastor of Pinehaven Presbyterian Church, Clinton, MS, and PhD candidate at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary
“‘But his restless, innovating spirit soon began, in his new situation, again to disclose itself,’ so Samuel Miller characterized Jacob Arminius in this bracing, wide-ranging essay. Though some scholars today would dissent from some of Miller’s judgments, as we remember the 400th anniversary of the Great Synod of Dort we ought to listen again, in the 21st century, to this frank assessment of the history, personalities, doctrines, and consequences of the Synod of Dort.”
– R. Scott Clark, DPhil., Professor of Church History and Historical Theology at Westminster Seminary California
“In the modern debates about the definition of ‘Reformed,’ there may be no more important point of reference than the canons of the Synod of Dort. In this book, Samuel Miller illustrates the achievements of the Synod, just as Harrison Perkins, in his foreword, suggests something of their modern relevance. In this anniversary year, the conclusions of the Synod of Dort could do much to clarify the serious issues that are at stake in debates among American Presbyterians.”
– Dr. Crawford Gribben, Professor of Early Modern British History at Queen’s University Belfast