Greendyk, Nicholas
A Specimen of Divine Truths (Hellenbroek)
Hellenbroek's catechism has gone through more than fifty editions in Dutch, as well as numerous editions in English. The translation of the Reformed Church in America was used extensively throughout reformed denominations for more than a century, and was frequently reprinted until the early twentieth century. Hellenbroek organized his catechism according to the six major doctrines of Reformed truth concerning God, man, Christ, salvation, the church, and the last things.
Table of Contents:
1. The Knowledge of God
2. The Holy Scripture
3. God
- God in General
- The Names of God
- The Attributes of God
- The Trinity
4. The Decrees of God
- Predestination
5. The Counsel of Peace
6. Creation
7. Providence
8. The Covenant of Works
9. The Image of God
10. Sin
- Adam’s Fall
- Original Sin
- Actual Sin and Sin’s Punishment
11. The Covenant of Grace
12. The Mediator of the Covenant
- The Name Jesus
- The Name Christ
- Christ’s Offices
A. His Prophetic Office
B. His Priestly Office
C. His Kingly Office
- Christ’s Natures
- Christ’s States
A. The Degree or Steps of Christ’s
B. Humiliation
a. His Humble Birth
b. His Sufferings
c. His Death
d. His Burial
e. His Decent into Hell
f. Christ’s Satisfaction as the Goal of His Humiliation
C. The Degrees or Steps of Christ’s Exaltation
a. His Resurrection
b. His Ascension
c. His Sitting at the Right Hand of God
13. Effectual Calling
14. The Church
15. Justification
16. Faith
17. Sanctification
- Good Works
18. The Law of God
19. Prayer
20. The Sacraments
- Holy Baptism
- The Lord’s Supper
21. Man’s Latter End
- The Resurrection
- The Final Judgement
- Everlasting Life
The Principal Errors of Those that are Outside the Reformed Church
Jehovah Tsidkenu – R. M. M’Cheyne