Vickers, Douglas
We live in an age that increasingly flirts with a new paganism. As new systems of theological belief clamor for accommodation within the church, Christianity’s time-tested confessional heritage is abandoned. Deviant thought forms trickle down from the pulpit to weaken worshipers whose grounds of belief are already faltering. Douglas Vickers addresses this situation in The Texture of Truth by calling the church back to cardinal doctrines that have historically emboldened the Christian faith. Here, in straightforward terms that address the worshiper in the pew, is a sound articulation of what Dr. Vickers aptly refers to as “essential theology in the life and walk of faith.”
The imperatives of Christian doctrine, soundly understood and held in biblical proportion, will enrich the meaning of the Christian life and the believer’s progress in sanctification. The Texture of Truth addresses the doctrine of God, Scripture, the divine covenants, creation and the Fall, the person of Christ and his redemptive offices, the application of redemption, and the place of the Christian in the church and the world.
Table of Contents:
1. The Nature and Scope of Christian Doctrine
2. God, His Being and Attributes
3. The Biblical Revelation and the Knowledge of God
4. The Covenant-making God
5. Man, Created and Fallen
6. The Person of Christ
7. The Redemptive Office of Christ
8. The Application of Redemption: Regeneration, Justification, Sanctification
9. The Christian in the Church and in the World
Douglas Vickers is professor emeritus of economics at the University of Massachusetts. In addition to works in economic theory and policy, he has published several titles in doctrinal and apologetic theology. His most recent books are Christian Confession and the Crackling Thorn: The Imperatives of Faith in an Age of Unbelief and Divine Redemption and the Refuge of Faith: The Gospel of Grace Confronts the Human Condition, both published by Reformation Heritage Books.