A Widow Directed to a Widow's God (James)
When the Son of God came to earth, one thing He did was to bind up the brokenhearted and comfort those who mourn. We need to likewise fulfill the task of “pure and undefiled religion” in looking after widows and orphans in their distress (James 1:27). A bruised heart requires the gentlest handling, and here you will find timeless advice on how to achieve that in your ministry.
First Part: Appropriate Suggestions to Widows
1. Sympathy
2. Submission
3. Instruction
4. Consolation
5. Confidence in God
6. Benefits of Affliction
Second Part: Scripture Examples of Widows
1. Naomi, Ruth, and Orpah
2. The Widow of Zarephath
3. The Widow of One of the Sons of the Prophets
4. The Widow Casting Her Two Mites into the Treasury
5. The Widow of Nain
6. Anna the Prophetess
Third Part: Letters to Widows
John Howe to Lady Russell
Mrs. Love’s Letter to Her Husband
Mr. Love’s Reply
Letters from Widows
Mrs. Huntington’s Letter on the Death of Her Husband
To a Friend Who Had Lost a Near Relation
To a Friend Who Had Lost Her Husband
Lady Powerscourt’s Letter on the Death of Her Husband
Letter VI from Ditto
Letter VIII from Ditto
Letter IX from Ditto
Mrs. Lewis’s Letter on the Death of Her Husband
“Especially must I mention the name of that honoured father of all the Dissenting churches, the Rev. John Angell James, of Birmingham. There is no name I think just now that ought to be more venerated than his.” — Charles Haddon Spurgeon at the ceremony for laying the Metropolitan Tabernacle foundation stone
About the Author
John Angell James (1785–1859) was a Congregationalist Nonconformist pastor at Carrs Lane Chapel in Birmingham, England. He also chaired the board of education of what was to become Mansfield College, Oxford. He was awarded honorary doctorates by both Princeton and Glasgow Universities. A staunch Calvinist steeped in practical piety, he preached and wrote to the average person saying, “I write plain truths, in plain language, for plain people!”