I thought I knew what the book of Ecclesiastes meant but this gave me a whole new perspective of it
I recommend this book to anyone that would fully want know how the Lord would want them to value their short time here.
Your life is a mere breath. This reality can be difficult for us to live by. The book of Ecclesiastes takes us on a journey to show us that although this life is a vapor, it is still a gift from God meant to be enjoyed. Instead of giving a pessimistic look at life under the sun, Ecclesiastes shows us how to glorify God in this fleeting life by enjoying the ordinary, good gifts God bestows.
As you read through this work, you will be confronted with the realities of life in a fallen world. Yes, there is suffering, pain, death, and oftentimes an encroaching sense of futility. However, for the believer, the brevity of life is an incentive to live life to the fullest, and the uncertainties of life are opportunities to trust in an omnipotent, loving, and faithful Creator who gives good gifts to His children and will one day make all things new. Contemporary Christianity, especially in the West, is filled with extremes. On one hand, there are voices urging believers to live their best life now, almost in disregard of eternity. On the other hand, there are voices admonishing us to put our heads down, look for nothing in this life, and mournfully long for heaven. Dr. Borgman sweeps away both extremes by simply expounding the book of Ecclesiastes. He shows us that we are to relish every good thing as a gift from God, face every hardship with hope in a sovereign God, and await a new heaven and earth with great expectation. I will never look at the book of Ecclesiastes the same way again. After reading this work, I found a renewed freedom, even compulsion, to enjoy all of God’s temporal gifts, a clarity and confidence to endure the trials of this fallen age, and lastly, a steadfast hope that does not disappoint. I am greatly indebted. You will be too.
—Paul Washer
HeartCry Missionary Society
In his new commentary on Ecclesiastes, Brian Borgman helpfully unravels much of the difficulty often found in this challenging book of the Bible. Well-written and reliable, this work will benefit any gospel minister with its solid exegesis and Christ-centeredness. This will be among the first resources I pull from my shelf whenever I preach from this book.
—Pastor Rob Ventura
Author of Expository Outlines & Observations on Romans and co-author of A Portrait of Paul and Spiritual Warfare
Get ready to be refreshed, strengthened, steadied, and wisened. Through this commentary, Brian will help you navigate life as it really is. Brian Borgman’s commentary on Ecclesiastes is here to deliver the book from a bad reputation and the reader from immaturity. Ecclesiastes has a reputation for being esoteric, disheartening, and confusing. Brian masterfully exposes the true meaning through his treatment of the underlying interpretive grids in the book. This commentary will help you navigate life’s ups and downs, gains and losses, sorrows and joys.
—Scott Brown
Pastor at Hope Baptist Church, Wake Forest, NC
President of Church and Family Life