Olevianus, Caspar
An Exposition of the Apostles' Creed - Classic Reformed Theology Series (Olevianus)
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Introduced by R. Scott Clark
Olevianus’s Exposition of the Apostles’ Creed is a collection of sermons he preached on the basic articles of the Christian faith. It serves as a reminder that the Reformed tradition did not see itself as separate from the universal church, though it was principally opposed to Rome. Rather, Olevianus and his tradition argue for a Reformed catholicity rooted in the ancient confession of the church.
This new translation by Lyle D. Bierma, along with R. Scott Clark’s historical introduction, will benefit both scholarly and general readers. Charged with federal language, An Exposition explains the Christian faith as the believer’s fellowship with God in the covenant of grace. Thus, it is significant for its contribution to the development of Reformed covenantal theology. In addition to exhibiting its historical value within the Reformed tradition, readers will be “directed,” as Olevianus had intended, “toward edification in true and sound piety.”
Series Description
An Exposition of the Apostles' Creed is the second volume of the Classic Reformed Theology series, edited by Dr. R. Scott Clark. This series seeks to produce and provide critical English translations of some of the more important but generally neglected texts of the orthodox period.
“This is an important project that promises to make available in good editions and translations a series of eminent works of Reformed theology from the era of orthodoxy. These volumes will offer students of the Reformed tradition an invaluable resource and will hopefully stimulate interest in the carefully defined and highly refined thought of an era that was formative of the Reformed faith and that assured its intellectual and spiritual vitality for later generations.” – Richard A. Muller, Calvin Theological Seminary
Caspar Olevianus (1536–1587) is most known today for his role as one of the authors of the Heidelberg Catechism. He was also an able biblical commentator, passionate preacher, and influential churchman. His place in history is noted as a key transitional theologian, helping to bridge the gap between the first generation of the Reformation and the era of Reformed Orthodoxy.
"Caspar Olevianus is a significant theologian and his exposition of the creed places him firmly in the great tradition of the church. Pre-eminent authorities on Olevianus, Clark and Bierma have combined to provide a wider readership access to this important source of our Reformed heritage. Clark’s detailed biographical introduction effectively sets the work in context, while Bierma’s excellent and readable translation is a welcome addition to the corpus of classic Reformed texts available in English." -Robert Letham, Wales Evangelical School of Theology