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EBOOK - Leading From the Foundation Up (Cook, Parker)

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Reformation Heritage Books


Why do some leaders stay the course and grow in wisdom while others fall into abuse, deception, and immorality? The Bible gives a clear answer by grounding every leadership competency in one quality: the fear of the Lord. In Leading from the Foundation Up, David Cook and Shane Parker offer the only book focused on Christian leadership philosophy and practice rooted in reverential awe. Standing on this foundation, they walk readers through the elements of leadership that help followers flourish. Developing and seasoned leaders alike will benefit from this uniquely biblical approach as they grow in character and competency for the sake of the church.


The Foundation for Leadership

1. The Foundation of Christian Leadership
2. The Fear of the Lord
3. Leadership and God’s Plan for Human Flourishing
4. How the Fear of God Forms Leaders
5. A Story of God-Fearing Leadership

Interlude: How God Teaches Us to Fear Him

Building on the Foundation for Leadership

6. Earning Trust through God-Fearing Integrity
7. Leadership Skills Built on God-Fearing Wisdom
8. The Allure of Counterfeit Wisdom
9. The Leader’s Zeal and God-Fearing Conviction
10. God-Fearing Leadership and the Family
11. The Leader and God-Fearing Justice
12. The Undeniable Cost of God-Fearing Leadership


“Recognizing that Christian leadership is much more than personality, skill sets, winsomeness, and activities, David Cook and Shane Parker have offered a thoughtful, biblically focused, and carefully developed appeal for a distinctive approach to Christian leadership founded on character, conviction, commitment, wisdom, trust, and integrity. The authors, drawing on both Old Testament and New Testament teaching and examples, contend that these traits flow out of a response to a right understanding of the fear and worship of God. Leading from the Foundation Up will offer helpful perspective; balance; insight; and, in some cases, a needed course correction for the ongoing conversations related to leadership for churches, Christian organizations, and Christian institutions.”
—David S. Dockery, president, International Alliance for Christian Education; and distinguished professor of theology, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

“Since the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, it is also the foundation of biblical leadership. This volume takes us to the theological center of what makes leadership distinctly Christian—humility, reverence, and submission to God. When leaders fear the Lord, they will make leadership decisions from an eternal and ethical perspective reflecting God’s Word, work, and ways. Rather than focus on methodology, this book will help you deepen the core values that drive effective leadership.”
—Jeff Iorg, president, Gateway Seminary; and author of The Painful Side of Leadership

About the Author

David M. Cook serves as Senior Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in Greenwood, IN, and as an adjunct faculty member at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He received an M.A. in Christian Worship and a Doctor of Educational Ministry in Leadership from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Dr. Cook is married to Emily, and they have four young children.    

Shane W. Parker serves as the Director of the Doctor of Educational Ministry program and Associate Professor of Leadership and Educational Ministries at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has over 20 years of local church ministry service and over 15 years of academic administration and professorial experience in the discipline of leadership. He is the co-author of Transformission: Making Disciples through Short-term Missions and A Pastor’s Life: Practical Wisdom from the Puritans. Dr. Parker is married to Lydia, and they have two children.