Bonar, Andrew
The book is a collection of short but beautiful pieces that exalt Christ, teach the plain truths of the gospel, and cause the soul to contemplate and meditate. The gems can be used for personal reading and meditation. They can also be profitably used in family worship and easily explained to children. These gems have an eternal value to them that accompany your soul even to the new heavens and the new earth.
Robert Murray McCheyne (1813-1843), has had a tremendous impact through his preaching and writing not only on the people of his generation but through his writings ever since. Robert Murray M'Cheyne was one of Scotland’s greatest preachers from 1835 to 1843. He died in his thirtieth year and in the seventh year of ministry while he was the pastor of St Peter's Free Church. His epitaph describes him as a man who 'was honoured by his Lord to draw many wanderers out of darkness into the path of life'.