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Gospel Revelation: Finding Worth in Knowing Christ (Burroughs) - Paperback

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Soli Deo Gloria


When Christ asked Peter, “Who do men say that I am?” He understood that opinions are as varied as the men who hold them. But the only trustworthy knowledge of God comes from God Himself. Only God’s revelation of Himself is infallible; only that revelation can be trusted to save a sin-sick soul.

In this treatise, Jeremiah Burroughs explains the nature and excellence of God’s revelation regarding Himself and His Son, Jesus Christ. And then he gives precious insight into the worth of the human soul, created by God to joyously serve and glorify Him. Sin debases a man, but a right relationship to God elevates him to the position of worth and dignity God gave him at first. True Christians can rejoice in this revelation.

“It is evil to be without bread, without friends, or without outward comforts; how great an evil is it then to be without God in the world?”

—Jeremiah Burroughs


The Nature of God

Sermon 1         Ten Points on the Nature of God

Sermon 2         Eight Additional Points on the Nature of God

Sermon 3         The Application

The Excellency of Christ

Sermon 1         Christ Is the Great Wonder of the World

Sermon 2         Christ Is Wonderful in His Offices

Sermon 3         Christ Is Wonderful in His Miracles

Sermon 4         Christ Is Wonderful in the Glory of the Father, Part 1

Sermon 5         Christ Is Wonderful in the Glory of the Father, Part 2

Sermon 6         The Application

The Excellency of the Soul

Sermon 1         The Soul Is Worth More Than All the World

Sermon 2         The Application of the First Point

Sermon 3         The Loss of the Soul Is a Dreadful Loss

Sermon 4         The Eternal Loss of the Soul

Sermon 5         The Application

Sermon 6         A Sixth Use of the Doctrine

Sermon 7         Questions and Objections

Sermon 8         What Must We Know to Be Saved?

Sermon 9         The World Is Not Worth a Single Soul

The Life of Jeremiah Burroughs

A Summary of the Gospel

About the Author

Jeremiah Burroughs (1599–1646)

While Jeremiah Burroughs was loved for his preaching and gentle spirit, he was persecuted for his nonconformity to the Church of England. Forced to flee to Rotterdam, Holland for a time, he eventually returned to England and preached to congregations in Stepney and Cripplegate in London, two of the largest in England.