Beeke, Joel R.
Realizing our deficits of spiritual grace can be shocking.
We see a chasm between what we know as Christians and what we practice as Christians. But this chasm is not impassable, for the Holy Spirit, the Helper sent from the Father and the Son, works with and within us to traverse that gap. For the Christian, through all of life’s circumstances and our changing conditions, growing in grace is our priority. God gives what He commands. He gives us means and tools to use that can truly, daily, bring us nearer to the ever-urgent goal of godliness.
This book is one of those tools. Growing in Grace presents thirteen essays to assist in your pursuit of godliness.
Table of Contents:
1. Why Spiritual Growth is Important—Stephen Myers
Scriptural Studies
2. Growing in Grace through the Psalms—Rhett Dodson
3. Growing in the Fear of the LORD—Daniel Timmer
4. Growing in Repentance and Faith (James 4:6–10)—Joseph Pipa
5. The Holy Spirit as the Author of Sanctification (1 Peter 2:1–3)—Tom Nettles
6. Growing in Personal Sanctification (Phil. 2:12–13)—Tom Nettles
7. Growing in Heavenly-Mindedness (Phil. 3:17–21)—Maarten Kuivenhoven
Theological Studies
8. Growing in Personal Assurance of Faith—Joel Beeke
9. Growing in Awareness of our Adoption by God—Rob Ventura
10. Growing in Personal Evangelism—Ian Macleod
Experiential Studies
11. Growing in Christlikeness—Greg Salazar
12. Growing in Communion with the Triune God—William VanDoodewaard
13. Growing in Grace in Good Works—Mark Kelderman
Joel R. Beeke is president and professor of systematic theology and homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He also serves as a pastor of the Heritage Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, and as editorial director of Reformation Heritage Books.
“Given the depravity and fragility of human life, and spiritual torpor if left to itself, divine grace and its continual growth is utterly needful for true human flourishing, both on an individual level and corporate plane, and most importantly, for preparation for life in the world to come. This fine collection of essays explores this necessity from a variety of angles and is a tremendous reminder of how beholden we all are to our gracious Maker and Friend for every aspect of our existence, and particularly for our growth. If you wish to grow in God’s grace intellectually, experientially, and practically, read this book prayerfully and implement its counsel practically.” — Michael A. G. Haykin, chair and professor of church history, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
“How precious are the last words of those we love! So with the apostle Peter, ‘Grow in grace!’ (2 Peter 3:18), he cries, and dies. This is his last will and testimony to the people of God. What is your last testimony going to be like? The Pilgrim’s Regress? Stagnation? Or, growing in evangelistic usefulness, in simple and experiential knowledge of the Bible, in fellowship with Jesus Christ, and in living a useful life as His disciple? Does this sound good? Sure it does, and it is attainable. Sanctification is effectual in all the elect, and this book will certainly help you mightily to grow in it in a variety of Bible-based, Christ-centered ways, if you read it carefully and prayerfully—and take it to heart!" — Geoffrey Thomas, conference speaker and author; emeritus pastor who ministered in Aberystwyth, Wales for more than fifty years
“The Apostle Peter tells us we are to ‘grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ’ (2 Peter 3:18). Praise God that His imperatives are accompanied by majestic indicatives. The Growing in Grace conference addresses in this book root our souls in the rich soil of God’s sure and certain truth, the promises of His never failing enablement, and the certainty of our conformity to the image of His beloved Son. These messages are saturated with clear, faithful exposition of the Scriptures, fidelity to confessional Reformed theology and rich experiential application. I’ve been fortunate to have attended nine of the last ten PRTS conferences and unhesitatingly testify to how greatly they have informed my mind, warmed my heart, and moved my life to serve the Savior more earnestly each year.” — Randall Kirkland, retired businessman and elder alongside his son (Pastor Geoff Kirkland) at Christ Fellowship Bible Church in St. Louis, Missouri