In Christ Alone: Living the Gospel Centered Life (Ferguson)
Noted theologian, pastor, and educator Dr. Sinclair B. Ferguson explores aspects of the person and work of Jesus in his latest book, In Christ Alone: Living the Gospel-Centered Life. This collection of articles, published earlier in Tabletalk magazine and Eternity Magazine, is designed to help believers gain a better understanding of their Savior and the Christian faith, and to live out that faith in their day-to-day lives.
In fifty short chapters arranged in six sections, Dr. Ferguson shows that Christ, who is fully God, took on humanity that He might be the Great High Priest of His people as well as the once-for-all sacrifice; that He now ministers to His people through His Spirit, crowning them with great and precious blessings; and that believers are called to duty, from cultivating contentment to mortifying sin. In Christ Alone is packed full of nuggets of Scriptural truth that will spark and fan the flames of the believer’s love for the Savior who is so beautiful in His person and so faithful in His work on behalf of His beloved sheep.
Table of Contents:
I. The Word Became Flesh
1. Prologue to Christ
2. Santa Christ?
3. The Word Was God
4. The Humanity of Christ
5. The Archegos
6. He Stoops to Conquer
II. The Heart of the Matter
7. The Romans Exchange
8. Hebrews – Does It Do Anything for You?
9. Christ of the Three Appearings
10. Real Priest, Effective Sacrifice
11. High Priest and Intercessor
12. Christ the King
13. Yesterday, Today, and Forever
14. The Resurrection and the Life
III. The Spirit of Christ
15. The Great Feast
16. The Holy Spirit
17. When the Spirit Comes
18. Seeing Jesus – at Pentecost
19. The Promise of Power
20. A Hidden Revival
21. One Night Only
22. Joy through Light
IV. The Privileges of Grace
23. Our Union with Christ
24. The Indwelling Christ
25. Sharing Christ’s Inheritance
26. Born Again – But Only from Above
27. New Wine for Old
28. Salvation in Three Tenses
29. The Life of Faith
30. Leaning on the Promises
31. The Prayer of Faith
32. ‘The Greatest of All Protestant Heresies’?
V. A Life of Wisdom
33. Privileges Bring Responsibilities
34. Where God Looks First
35. Discernment: Thinking God’s Thoughts
36. God’s Mysterious Will
37. Eating Black Pudding
38. The Power of the Tongue
39. Struggles
40. Playing the Second Fiddle Well
41. Contentment: Five Easy Steps?
VI. Faithful to the End
42. The Elect Deceived?
43. Naming the Enemy
44. Growing Strong in the War Zone
45. Guess Who Is Out of Jail
46. An Anatomy of Temptation
47. Danger: Apostasy!
48. The Practice of Mortification
49. Expelling Worldliness with a New Affection
50. Sabbath Rest
Conclusion: In Christ Alone
About the Author
Dr. Sinclair B. Ferguson is a Ligonier teaching fellow and distinguished visiting professor of systematic theology at Westminster Theological Seminary. He previously served as the senior minister of the First Presbyterian Church in Columbia, S.C., and he has written more than two dozen books.
“The title In Christ Alone is enough to make hearts brave and souls stand at attention. And Sinclair Ferguson, the consummate teacher, takes great pains to explain the supreme sufficiency of Jesus Christ and why He is enough.” — Joni Eareckson Tada, Founder, Joni and Friends International Disability Center
“In Christ Alone is a basic systematic theology in the form of a very readable book. Whether you are a new Christian looking for basic Christian doctrine or a more mature one wanting a refresher, this book will both instruct you and delight you. I warmly commend it to all Christians who want to grow in their faith.” — Jerry Bridges, Bible Teacher and Author of The Pursuit of Holiness and other titles.