Davis, Dale Ralph
The Church has a problem with Judges, it is so earthy, puzzling, primitive and violent - so much so that the Church can barely stomach it. It falls under the category 'embarrassing scripture'. Such an attitude is, of course, wrong so Ralph Davis here makes Judges digestible by analysing the major literary and theological themes discovered in each section, providing a 'theocentric' exposition.
Table of Contents:
Part 1: The Failure of a Second Generation
1. Is This an Ancient Geography Book? (Judges 1:1–2:5)
2. Generation Degeneration (Judges 2:6–3:6)
Part 2: The Salvation of a Long-suffering God
3. A Paradigm of Salvation (Judges 3:7-11)
4. What Shall We Do with a Left-handed Savior? (Judges 3:12-30)
5. A Salvation Break (Judges 3:31)
6. A Smashing Salvation (Judges 4)
7. The New Song (Judges 5)
8. Getting Ready for Salvation (Judges 6)
9. Strength Made Perfect in Weakness (Judges 7:1–8:21)
10. It’s Tough to End Well (Judges 8:22-32)
11. Brambleman, Destroyer of Israel (Judges 8:33–9:57)
12. A Couple of Minors (Judges 10:1-5)
13. The Kindness and the Severity of God (Judges 10:6-16)
14. Despised and Rejected by Men (Judges 10:17–12:7)
15. A Judges’ Directory? ( Judges 12:8-15)
16. Samson the Savior is Born (Judges 13)
17. Secrets (Judges 14)
18. The Battle of Jawbone Hill and Other Stories (Judges 15)
19. Let’s Play ‘The Philistines Are Here!’ (Judges 16)
Part 3: The Confusion of a Depraved People
20. Divine Sarcasm (Judges 17–18)
21. New Sodom (Judges 19–21)
"There is here much practical biblical instruction for the believer and the church. This is an excellent presentation." - Evangelical Times.
Dale Ralph Davis is pastor of Woodland Presbyterian Church, Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Previously he was Professor of Old Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, Mississippi.