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Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices - Puritan Paperbacks (Brooks)

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Brooks treated the seductive influence and terrible power of Satan in a way greatly more full and suggestive than in the literature of the present day.

Brooks lists seven reasons for writing this book. The first reason is enough…Brooks says, “Satan hath a greater influence upon men, and higher advantages over them than they think he hath, and the knowledge of his high advantage is the highway to disappoint him, and to render the soul strong in resisting, and happy in conquering.

Table of Contents:

  1. The Proof of the Point: Satan’s Devices to Draw the Soul to Sin (12 devices and their remedies)
  2. Satan’s Devices to Keep Souls From Holy Duties, to Hinder Souls in Holy Services, to Keep Them off From Religious Performances (8 devices and their remedies)
  3. Satan’s Devices to Keep Saints in a Sad, Doubting, Questioning and Uncomfortable Condition (8 devices and their remedies)
  4. Satan’s Devices to Destroy and Ensnare all Sorts and Ranks of Men in the World (5 devices and their remedies)
  5. Touching Five More of Satan’s Devices
  6. Seven Characters of False Teachers Six Propositions Concerning Satan and His Devices
  7. Conclusion – Chiefly, Ten Special Helps and Rules Against Satan’s Devices


Thomas Brooks (1608-1680) entered Emmanuel College, Cambridge, in 1625. He was licensed as a preacher of the gospel by 1640. After the Civil War, Brooks became minister at Thomas Apostle’s, London, and was sufficiently renowned to be chosen as preacher before the House of Commons in 1648.  In 1662 he fell victim to the notorious Act of Uniformity, but he appears to have remained in his parish and to have preached the Word as opportunity offered. He went home to the Lord in 1680.