Soli Deo Gloria Spiritual Battle Bundle
The Fight of Faith Crowned: The Remaining Sermons of Thomas Watson (Watson)
This collection provides readers with six sermons by Thomas Watson that were among his last published writings. With clarity and precision, Watson addresses topics like the Christian’s righteousness, tumultuous events, the redemption of time, and more. Reflecting his love as a pastor of God’s people, each sermon includes both encouragement and admonition for the church. Discover why Thomas Watson is one of the most beloved English Puritans as he directs you to gaze on the fullness of the gospel and the glory of God.
Publisher’s Note
The Crown of Righteousness
The Righteous Man’s Weal and the Wicked Man’s Woe
Time’s Shortness
The Fight of Faith Crowned
A Plea for Alms
The One Thing Necessary
“Watson was one of the most concise, racy, illustrative, and suggestive of those eminent divines who made the Puritan age the Augustan period of evangelical literature. There is a happy union of sound doctrine, heart-searching experience, and practical wisdom throughout all his works.”
—C. H. Spurgeon
About the Author
Thomas Watson (ca. 1620–1686) graduated from Cambridge University and became one of the leading Puritan minsters of London. His works, such as "The Godly Man's Picture" and "A Body of Divinity," continue to be treasured for their clear exposition of biblical truths and their application to the Christian life.
The Doubting Believer (Sedgwick)
Puritan Obadiah Sedgwick sets out to help us answer a question almost every believer has asked: Am I really a Christian?
In this treatise fashioned by pastoral wisdom and care, Sedgwick addresses the doubt that Christians often feel in their walk with Christ. By discerning the nature and types of doubts and expertly providing applications, the author provides tender comfort to the hearts of Christian readers. Sedgwick urges Christians to reflect deeply on their faith to see how the pursuit of piety, trust in the promises of Scripture, and a love for God lead to the full assurance of faith.
- The Nature of Doubtings
- Four Sorts of Doubtings
- Question: May Doubtings Consist with a True Faith?
- The Springs of Doubtings
- The Cures of Doubtings
An Addition: Four Causes of Doubting with a Brief Resolution of Them
Appendix: The Nature and Danger of Heresies
“Doubt is a characteristic human problem. We all struggle with it from time to time, and some more than others. Sedgwick, in careful Puritan fashion, examines different aspects of doubt: why we have it, how it manifests in our lives in different ways, how we make it worse, and ultimately how we can find a cure for it. The Doubting Believer provides a fresh and vibrant corrective to the extremes of presumption and despair and charts a path for Christians to find not only a cure for the doubts that plague them but the comfort of an assured faith in the midst of weakness.”
—Randall J. Pederson, coauthor of Meet the Puritans
About the Author
Obadiah Sedgwick (ca.1600–1658) was a Puritan pastor and prominent member of the Westminster Assembly. His other works that have modern editions include The Anatomy of Secret Sins, Christ's Counsel to His Languishing Church, and Providence Handled Practically.
The Christian Warrior (Ambrose)
When Christians are given new life, they also gain new enemies.
In this insightful work, Puritan Isaac Ambrose entreats Christians not to slumber amid their battle against sin, the world, and the flesh. Ambrose’s timely instructions and warnings reveal the tools and weapons God has given us to fight against spiritual adversaries. Readers will learn how to use the armor of God to triumph in the constant battle for their souls.
Preface: Address to Christian Soldiers
Part 1: The Doctrines to Be Handled
- All God’s people must be warriors
- We have powerful and malicious enemies to contend with
- We must wrestle and strive against them
Part 2
- In Our Infancy
- Temptation in the Time of Conversion
- Further Assaults of Satan
- Temptation in Riper Years
- Of our Outward Condition
- Of our Spiritual Condition
- Assaults at the End of Life
“Our contemporary culture, saturated by scientific rationalism, frequently tends to ignore the reality of the powers of evil and darkness. This Puritan classic takes Ephesians 6:12 seriously and teaches that battle with the devil still rages today. Isaac Ambrose’s small but dynamic, packed treatise offers readers practical directions and helpful spiritual disciplines to face the temptations of the world, the flesh, and the devil. Most importantly, The Christian Warrior will help you cling to Jesus as your only reliable defense.”
—Tom Schwanda, associate professor of Christian formation and ministry, emeritus, Wheaton College; and scholar in residence for Puritan piety, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary
About the Author
Isaac Ambrose, the son of a clergyman, was born in 1604. As a member of the Presbyterian Party, he ministered at Preston and Garstang until he was ejected by the Act of Uniformity of 1662. He lived and died a non-conformist. His most famous work, Looking Unto Jesus, has been called “a classic of Christ-centered divinity.”