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The Character of an Upright Man (Steele)

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Soli Deo Gloria


Psalm 18:25 says, “With an upright man thou wilt shew thyself upright.” But what does it mean to be upright before God? And why is it a blessing that God is upright to us? Puritan pastor Richard Steele proves that growing in holiness leads to God’s glory and our good. As Steele reveals the path of the upright man, he encourages us to press on in good works, knowing that God will honor our labors. In true Puritan form, Steele closes the work by showing us the means we can use to establish a life of integrity that pleases our Lord, including exhortation, self-examination, and more. 


Life of the Author 

The Epistle to the Reader 

Chapter 1: The Uprightness of Man 

Chapter 2: The Uprightness of God 

Chapter 3: The Application 


“For its depth and evangelical fire, The Character of an Upright Man should be consulted over and over for spiritual direction. We owe a great debt to Don Kistler for mining this treasure from the great Puritan caverns and for providing us with such seasonable help in the pursuit of uprightness. It is my prayer that this book will be useful in guiding many of Zion's sons and daughters to their heavenly abode!” 

—Randall Pederson, author of Unity and Diversity: English Puritans and the Puritan Reformation, 1603–1689 

About the Author

Richard Steele (1629–1692) was a nonconformist minister associated with the fourth Shropshire classical presbytery and was influential on other Puritan ministers. Other books he is known for are The Husbandman’s Calling, The Religious Tradesman, and A Remedy for Wandering Thoughts in Worship