The Deacons Handbook: A Manual of Stewardship (Berghoef & De Koster)
An invaluable resource for all who are, or will be, involved in the church's ministry of mercy. Includes chapters on the nature and history of the diaconal office, concrete advice regarding budget and finances, suggestions for enlisting congregational participation in diaconal service, and thought-provoking perspectives on giving and stewardship. Profoundly Christ-centered, solidly based on Scripture, lucid in presentation and down-to-earth in application.
Table of Contents:
- The Fundamentals of Stewardship
- What May I Keep for Myself?
- Why Give?
- Why Give Money and Goods?
- Why Give to and Through the Church?
- How Much? (From Mites to Millions)
- The Offices of the Church
- The Deacon in the Body
- The Deacon in History
- The Deacon Today
- Biblical Profile: The Office of the Deacon
- Levels of Awareness: Faith and Works
- The Deacon and the Kingdom
- The Deaconess
- As Seen from Above and Within
- Twin Mysteries
- First Circle: Serving the Congregation
- Second Circle: Serving the Congregational Needy
- Third Circle: Congregational Extension
- Fourth Circle: Serving the Neighborhood
- Fifth Circle: Seeking out the Neighborhood Needy
- Sixth Circle: Cooperative Diakonia: National/ International
- Seventh Circle: Positive Diakonia
- Blueprints for Deacons
- Projections
Appendix I: The Deacon as Trustee
Gerard Berghoef (1926-2007) was the President of Widdicomb Furniture Company and a longtime elder in the Christian Reformed Church. In collaboration with Lester DeKoster and his family, Berghoef also launched the Christian’s Library Press, a publishing endeavor intended to provide timely resources both for the church’s laity and its leadership.
Lester DeKoster (1916–2009) became director of the library at Calvin College and Seminary, affiliated with the Christian Reformed Church in North America, in 1951. He earned his doctorate from the University of Michigan in 1964, after completing a dissertation on “Living Themes in the Thought of John Calvin: A Bibliographical Study.”