Mather, Cotton & Mather, Richard
Very little has been written about the ministry of angels. And what little has been written can often be described as bizarre and without biblical foundation.
And to help us once again, here is a noted Puritan author, Increase Mather, father of Cotton Mather. Increase Mather lived from 1639-1723 and was president of Harvard College for a time. He also pastored the Old North Church in Boston until his death.
In this very rare work, Mather addresses such questions as: Does every person have a guardian angel? Is there an order among the angels?
How do the angels serve us and minister to us? What happened to the angels that fell? And what are we to make of angelic apparitions?
This is the first publishing of this important work since its original printing in 1696, three years after the Salem Witch Trials had ended.