The Pastor's Public Ministry: Leading in Worship, Praise, Prayer and Preaching (Johnson)
Seasoned pastor, Terry L. Johnson, shares practical wisdom for pastors to help them prioritise their public ministry. Includes foreword by Ligon Duncan.
Ministers, in our age, are expected to be jacks–of–all–trades. However important administration, committee work, counselling, and relationship building may be, the pastor’s public ministry in the preaching of the Word and leading of public worship and prayer are fundamental.
The Bible lays out specific qualifications for elders and deacon. The gospel is guarded by requiring those who hold public office to have high standards of knowledge, character, and conduct. Terry Johnson lays out that, if this is true for “lay” leadership, how much more important for those called to ministry.
With years of experience, and practical wisdom, Terry L. Johnson guides pastors to think through each of the key aspects of public worship.
If you are just starting out in ministry, or have been serving the Lord for many years, a prayerful reading of this book will be of great benefit to your ministry, and your congregation.
1. Leading in Worship
- First Priority
- Principles of Worship Leadership
- Services of Worship
- Public Services
- Well–ordered
- Reverent
- Well–paced
- Clergy–led
- Simple yet excellent
2. Leading in Praise
- Is it singable?
- Is it biblically and theologically sound?
- Is it biblically and theologically mature?
- Is it emotionally balanced?
- Is it demographically comprehensive?
3. Leading in Prayer
- Background
- Recent Times
- Personal Experience
- Recommendations for Public Prayer
- Scriptural
- Planned
- Brief
- Undiluted
- Appropriate
- Full diet of prayer
- Clear headings
- Example
4. Preaching
- Lectio continua
- Textual
- Without Formulas
- Assume Ignorance
- Explain Context
- Review and Repeat
- Application
- Brevity
- Urgency
- Authentic
- Exhortation
Johnson offers some of the most practical advice anywhere on public prayer … I particularly appreciated his emphasis on how public prayer should utilize the language of Scripture, noting that one ought no more to pray without preparation than to preach without preparation. We greatly need this book.
—Douglas F. Kelly
Professor of Theology Emeritus, Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte, North Carolina
Terry Johnson has done it again. Brief, clear, and brimming with practical wisdom gleaned from nearly 40 years of ordained ministry, this resource is unparalleled.
—Neil Stewart
Senior Minister, First Presbyterian Church (ARP), Columbia, South Carolina
About the Author
Terry Johnson is the senior minister of the Independent Presbyterian Church in Savannah, Georgia, which he has served since 1987.