Wellum, Stephen J.
“From beginning to end, Scripture unveils from shadow to reality that Jesus is God the Son incarnate.”
Some people think of Jesus as a great prophet or a wise philosopher; others see him as an important religious leader or even a revolutionary. In this addition to the Short Studies in Systematic Theology series, Stephen Wellum challenges these claims as he argues for the divinity of Jesus according to Scripture and in line with creedal Christianity. In this brief introduction, we are invited to rejoice in the centrality of Christ—who as both God and man reconciles us to God.
“In harmony with the Bible and Christian tradition, Stephen Wellum has provided us with a robust defense of a high Christology, one ‘from above,’ which is desperately needed in our day of confusion and groundless speculation about the identity of Christ. This work shows us biblically and theologically why the church must affirm the full deity and full humanity of Christ. A five-star rating!” - Michael A. G. Haykin, Chair and Professor of Church History, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
“Jesus’s pressing question to his disciples ‘But who do you say that I am?’ remains as urgent as ever. In contrast to modern historical critics who ‘go low’ in their quest for the historical Jesus, Stephen Wellum ‘goes high,’ engaging Christology ‘from above’ in order to identify Jesus as the Christ. He rightly views Jesus’s person and work in the interpretive framework of the Bible’s storyline and the tradition of historic orthodoxy to which the faithful reading of Scripture has given rise.”
Kevin J. Vanhoozer, Research Professor of Systematic Theology, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
“Stephen Wellum’s study of the person of Christ is the first I recommend on the subject. His grasp of the historical, theological, and exegetical issues is firm, and his exposition is precise, clear, and contemporary—just what you want in a Christology.”
Fred G. Zaspel, Executive Editor, Books at a Glance; Pastor, Reformed Baptist Church, Franconia, Pennsylvania
“Stephen Wellum distills years of reflection and scholarly writing on Christology into an easy-to-read form. In brief compass, he leads the reader through the biblical foundations for the doctrine of Christ’s person and work and then through the historical debates in which the language of Christological orthodoxy was forged and refined. There is deep material here, but Wellum has a gift for expressing even the most subtle of theological issues with clarity and conciseness.”
Carl R. Trueman, Professor of Biblical and Religious Studies, Grove City College
“To this day, there is no shortage of answers to Jesus’s question ‘Who do you say that I am?’ That is why Stephen Wellum’s The Person of Christ is sorely needed. Wellum offers the church a vital resource to help us regain a biblical and orthodox understanding of the person of Christ. If you want to grow and help others grow in the knowledge of Jesus, pick up this book.”
Juan R. Sanchez, Senior Pastor, High Pointe Baptist Church, Austin, Texas; author, The Leadership Formula
“Clearly written, biblically driven, and historically grounded, this volume paints a theologically faithful portrait of Jesus. What could be more important for the church?”
Christopher W. Morgan, Dean of the School of Christian Ministries and Professor of Theology, California Baptist University
“I require my seminary students to read Stephen Wellum’s God the Son Incarnate because he masterfully answers seemingly contradictory claims about Jesus by integrating exegesis, biblical theology, historical theology, and systematic theology. This book is shorter, more accessible, and less intimidating—an ideal entry point for someone who wants to better understand who Christ is.”
Andy Naselli, Associate Professor of Systematic Theology and New Testament, Bethlehem College and Seminary; Elder, Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis
“Drawing on the biblical witness and on the insights of the greatest minds of the Christian centuries, this volume by Stephen Wellum, set firmly in the context of classical theism, provides a comprehensive answer to the most important of all questions: ‘Who is Jesus Christ?’ Clear but not cold, accessible but not shallow, this book will both inspire the novice and refresh the veteran.”
Donald MacLeod, Professor Emeritus of Systematic Theology, Edinburgh Theological Seminary; author, A Faith to Live By and The Person of Christ
“Stephen Wellum is the first contemporary guide I would turn to for a scripturally faithful, confessionally orthodox Christology. This brief but meaty work not only feeds the mind but is a rich feast for the whole soul. You will worship Christ with fresh vigor at every turn of the page.”
Scott Christensen, Associate Pastor, Kerrville Bible Church, Kerrville, Texas; author, What about Free Will? and What about Evil?
“Stephen Wellum has proved himself to be a trusted guide through the lurking dangers that scatter the theological landscape. This volume is concise and accessible, written for folks who desire to engage theological depth without being overwhelmed. It will serve well students who desire serious consideration of the second person of the Trinity, our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Ardel B. Caneday, Retired Professor of New Testament Studies and Greek, University of Northwestern, St. Paul, Minnesota
“This book presents the basic biblical, historical, and systematic material essential to understanding the orthodox and biblical doctrine of Christ. It is an ideal first book to read on the central doctrine of the person of Christ for students and a great review for pastors and lay leaders.”
Craig A. Carter, Professor of Theology, Tyndale University; author, Contemplating God with the Great Tradition
“This is a superb introduction to Christology. Stephen Wellum helps readers think about the very nature of theology itself at the most profound level, explicated for the reader with Christology as a test case in how to do theology. And the reader is given a rich treatment of how to think about Christology in terms of the biblical-theological substructure of the Bible itself and how to wrestle with contemporary challenges. Excellent.”
Bradley G. Green, Professor of Theological Studies, Union University
“There is nothing more important than getting the right response to the question ‘Who do you say that Jesus is?’ In The Person of Christ, Stephen Wellum answers the question by grounding the response in the Scriptures, by guiding readers through historical theology, and by summarizing these teachings and truths theologically. As a tour de force on the person of Christ and the doctrine of Christology, this work also serves as a model for how one moves from the Bible to theology to life.”
Gregory C. Strand, Executive Director of Theology and Credentialing, Evangelical Free Church of America; Adjunct Professor of Pastoral Theology, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
“Stephen Wellum is a theologian who loves the church, and in The Person of Christ, he brings his seasoned expertise on Christology to equip thinking Christians with a concise introduction to the subject. In three accessible sections, he provides a biblical foundation for who Christ is, surveys how the church came to understand and express Christological orthodoxy, and explains why churches need to keep Christ at the center of their life and gospel ministry. If you are looking to understand Christology more clearly and worship Christ more deeply, this is your book.”
David S. Schrock, Pastor of Preaching and Theology, Occoquan Bible Church; Professor of Theology, Indianapolis Theological Seminary