Witmer, Timothy Z.
Leaders in the church are called to be shepherds, not a board of directors. This requires involvement in a personal shepherding ministry among the people.The Shepherd Leader unpacks the four primary ministries of shepherds—knowing, feeding, leading, and protecting—on macro (churchwide) and micro (personal) levels, providing seven elements to be incorporated into an effective shepherding plan.
Table of Contents:
Part 1: Biblical and Historical Foundations
1. Not a New Idea: Old Testament Themes
2. Fulfillment: The Good Shepherd and the Apostolic Imperative
3. Lost and Found: Where Did All the Shepherds Go?
4. The Shepherd’s Biblical Right to Lead: A Few Words about Authority
Part 2: So What’s a Shepherd to Do? – A Comprehensive Matrix for Ministry
5. Shepherds Know the Sheep
6. Shepherds Feed the Sheep
7. Shepherds Lead the Sheep
8. Shepherds Protect the Sheep
Part 3: Putting It All Together
9. Seven Essential Elements of an Effective Shepherding Ministry
10. Implications of Having a Shepherding Ministry
11. Let’s Get Started! Suggestions for Implementation
Timothy Z. Witmer is currently Professor of Practical Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary where he is Coordinator of the Practical Theology Department, Director of Mentored Ministry and Master of Divinity Programs. He is also the Minister of Preaching at Crossroads Community Church (PCA) in Upper Darby, PA.
"Tim Witmer is the faithful shepherd of a growing, urban, multi-ethnic church. In this useful and important book, he explains a biblical, practical model for shepherding ministry in a local church. We plan to use The Shepherd Leader as a primary resource for all of our candidates, interns, elders, and pastors -- our shepherds and shepherds-in-training. " - Philip Ryken
"Tim Witmer's book could not have come at a better time. So many are 'slipping into the darkness' and most of us don't know what to do about it. Now we do! Churches all over America will 'rise up and call him blessed.'" - Steve Brown
"For leaders who long to be faithful in the field, this book offers a wealth of theological and practical insight that will strengthen your hand." - Dave Harvey