The Sincere Convert (Shepard)
A new edition of a classic Puritan work on true and false conversion and the true gospel message by Thomas Shepard. Sections in The Sincere Convert include: 1.That there is a God, and this God is most glorious. 2. That this God made all mankind at first in a most glorious and happy estate, like unto himself. 3. That all mankind is fallen by sin from that glorious estate he was made in, into a most woeful and miserable condition. 4. That the Lord Jesus Christ is the only means of redemption and deliverance out of this estate. 5. That those that are saved are very few; and that those that are saved are saved with very much difficulty. And 6. That the Grand Cause of Man’s Eternal Ruin, or Why So Many Are Damned, and So Few Saved by Christ, Is From Themselves. Newly typeset with a larger font than previous facsimile editions. Hardback. 139 pages plus a new introduction by William C. Nichols.