Gale, Stanley D.
We all have questions about prayer. Why pray if God already knows what's going to happen? Can prayer change the mind of God? Does it actually affect anything? What is the purpose of prayer?
There is only one wise source to answer our questions: we need to hear from God himself. Only through him and his Word can we have a grounded, balanced, and broad understanding of prayer. This booklet presents an overview of what Scripture says, defining prayer, exploring its roles, and teaching us how to practice it.
Basics of the Faith booklets introduce readers to basic Reformed doctrine and practice. On issues of church government and practice they reflect that framework--otherwise they are suitable for all church situations.
"A clear trumpet call to prayer in the triumphant name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Full of light, warmth, and power, it dispels wrong ideas about prayer. This one booklet could be used far and wide to do wonders that our gracious God has planned from eternity, once Christians start doing what it clearly shows them they are enabled to do, and divinely called to do: 'Ask, seek, and knock.'"
—Douglas F. Kelly, Professor of Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary; Author of If God Already Knows, Why Pray?
About the Author
Stanley D. Gale serves as senior minister of the Reformed Presyterian Church in West Chester, PA. He has authored a number of works on spiritual warfare, including Warfare Witness: Contending with Spiritual Opposition in Everyday Evangelism.