Gale, Stanley D.
A biblical worldview must take into account the dimension of spiritual conflict highlighted in the Old Testament and emphasized by every New Testament writer. Throughout his Word, God acquaints us with our spiritual enemy and equips us to engage him in our Christian growth and kingdom service.
In this booklet, Gale lays out a spiritual and practical guide to standing daily against Satan and his schemes. Focusing on the redemptive work of Christ, he exposes Satan’s tactics and outlines a battle plan of standing and abiding in Christ.
Basics of the Faith booklets introduce readers to basic Reformed doctrine and practice. On issues of church government and practice they reflect that framework—otherwise they are suitable for all church situations.
"What Is Spiritual Warfare? is a clear, sober, practical guide to the everyday reality of spiritual warfare. From Genesis to Revelation, Stan Gale conducts a careful reconnaissance of our unseen adversary and his diabolical tactics for deceiving, tempting, and accusing the people of God. He also shows us how to stand firm in Christ, using the simple gospel weapons that the Son of God has given us to defeat the devil." — Philip Graham Ryken.
Stanley D. Gale serves as senior minister of the Reformed Presyterian Church in West Chester, PA. He has authored a number of works on spiritual warfare, including Warfare Witness: Contending with Spiritual Opposition in Everyday Evangelism.