Duguid, Iain M.
This edition of the Divine and Moral Songs for children by Rev. Isaac Watts will supply Christian families, schools, and churches with an alternative type of Biblical music for the youth of our day. This is the first recent edition to also contain tunes and piano accompaniments, especially simplified for children or adults with limited musical abilities. Traditional hymn tunes have been selected that fit nicely with the lyrics. Included between the Divine and Moral Songs, we have also inserted some of Watt's sonnets and prayers for youth.
These hymns by Dr. Watts were once standard literature for English and American children. The lyrics will be easily understood by children and will aid parents and teachers as they seek to apply biblical principles to every area of life.
Table of Contents:
Isaac Watts was an English Christian minister, hymn writer, theologian, and logician. He was a prolific and popular hymn writer and is credited with some 750 hymns.