Christianity and World Religions: An Introduction to the World's Major Faiths (Cooper)
Derek Cooper takes us on a two-part tour of the world’s most influential religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism, Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.
The first part discusses the essentials of each faith by looking at each faith’s creation story, historical origin, beliefs, religious writings, and worship practices, and adds Christian reflections about it.
The second surveys how biblical authors and important Christians in church history have responded to different religions. An appendix includes some helpful primary and secondary books relating to this theme.
Due to the increasingly global culture in which we live, it is important for Christians to know something about the major world religions so that we can speak confidently about our faith—there is no place in our interactions for fear. On the contrary, by learning about other religions we are able to learn more about God and Christianity, and how we can be more faithful to Christ.
“Christianity and World Religions is a special book. . . . It is an easy read, not because the material is easy, but because of the author’s engaging, clear, and concise style. Any Christian who reads the newspaper on a regular basis will want to read this book in order to relate to current events.”
—Paul D. Kooistra, Coordinator, Mission to the World, PCA
“This text functions very well as a handbook of religions and Christian responses or as an introductory textbook in a Christian-oriented class on world religions.”
—Dennis Okholm, Professor of Theology, Azusa Pacific University
“Peppering it with engaging personal anecdotes and supplementing it with helpful charts, tables, and sidebars throughout, Cooper has authored a truly helpful book.”
—Michael Lodahl, Professor of Theology and World Religions, Point Loma Nazarene University